In order to celebrate World Wetlands Day, a program withs series of activities (Awareness Program, Tree planting program and Cleaning the Surrounding of the waterfall ) was held at Pitabeddara, Nilwala Balashakthi Plant premises. It was focused to protect and improve the surrounding of Ethalama Ella Waterfalls.
The program was organized by CEA together with the leadership of MP Mr Nipuna Ranawaka, MP Mr.Weerasumana Weerasinhe, CEA Director Mr. Susantha Madage, Forest Department, Divisional secretary, Police, GS, School, villagers, Vidullanka Management led by CEO Mr.Riyaz Sangani and the staff of EME. World Wetlands Day (ලෝක තෙත් බිම් දිනය) is celebrated on the second day of February every year. This day serves to recognize the influence and positive production that Wetlands have had on the world and in terms brings communities together for the benefit of Mother Nature.