Vidullanka PLC Wins Green Award

Vidullanka PLC – Wmebiyagoda MHPP was recognized with yet another Silver Award and became the winner in the “Renewable Energy Sector” at the Presidential Environment Awards 2019, for its contribution towards environmental conservation. President Maithrepala Sirisena presided as Chief Guest of the event, which was held for the eight consecutive year. The prestigious award adds to a list of many key sustainability milestones achieved by the Vidullanka PLC in line with the Group’s commitment to a greener, sustainable future. During 2018 and 2016. Wembiyagoda MHPP had the distinction of winning a silver and bronze award respectively that aptly illustrates its continuous commitment towards the environment.

Located in Kalawana, Wembiyagoda MHPP has been a strong advocate of Vidullanka’s Sustainable Living Plan which sets out to add value to the company’s growth from its environmental footprint, while increasing its positive social impact.

Embedding sustainability into its daily operations, the plant has managed to minimize its impact on the environment over the past 6 years. While bringing its energy generation to a maximum, it has engaged to protect the catchment areas and reduce CO2 emissions through reforestation initiatives. In 2019, the plant also began an innovative waste management program in which the waste collected from river streams are converted to compost and non-degradable particles (plastic and polythene) are being recycled. This in turn has resulted in a reduction of land fill areas by 72%.

Furthermore, Vidullanka PLC’s team works closely with the School children & Staff, Forest Department, Pradeshiya Sabha, Divisional Secretary, and members of the local community together with Grama Seva Niladari in promoting sustainability through numerous trainings and awareness programs.

Commenting on the award, Roshan Siriwardana, Director Operations – Vidullanka PLC, stated, “We are honored to receive the award at the Presidential Environment Awards. As laid out in the Vidullanka’s Sustainable Living Plan, we seek to make sustainable living more common place. Championing this cause, our company and the sector had a positive impact on the local communities and ecosystem. We are delighted to see these efforts being recognized at this prestigious forum.”

The Presidential Environmental Awards is one of the most prestigious events organized annually by the Central Environmental Authority (CEA). The forum’s main objective is to appreciate the enthusiasm of organizations and individuals towards environmental conservation and protection while sustaining their active involvement in the long run for clean and green production and services.