Vidullanka PLC Clinches the Sector Award at “Taiki Akimoto 5S Awards 2011”

Vidullanka PLC, Batathota Mini Hydro Power Plant clinches Sector award under Manufacturing (Small Category) at the 2011 Taiki Akimoto 5S Awards. It won the Award for the Best 5S implementation beating several other manufacturing companies. It also won a merit award for the Bambarabatuoya Mini Hydro Power Plant.

In the running for the awards there were nearly 75 organizations from the public and private sectors, and representing the manufacturing, banking, telecommunication and trade & services.

The implementation team says that the dedicated and successful implementation of the 5S concept is significant to the success of the hydro power sector. The 5S lays a strong foundation for greater achievements such as the Kai-Zen (continuous improvements) and TPM (Total Preventive Maintenance) concepts and helps towards achieving the goals in simple way.

Implementing the 5S concept means sustainability and was the corner stone for the improvement of productivity. “The benefits are very tangible and visible. It facilitates a more organized working environment; helps maintain effective preventive maintenance system- which is critical for a 24 hour running machineries, low inventory levels, cut down unnecessary costs and saves money. Added to this is the high morale and enthusiasm among employees at all levels thus increasing productivity in the long term”.

The prestigious Taiki Akimoto 5S Awards are presented by JASTECA (Japan Sri Lanka Technical and Cultural Association) and recognize the commitment and excellence shown by organizations in implementing the 5S concept.