Dehiattakandiya BPP, Sri Lanka

Vidul Biomass (Pvt) Limited, a subsidiary of Vidullanka PLC commissioned Dehiattakandiya Dendro Power Project, its first Biomass Power Plant to supply power to the National Electricity Grid with an installed capacity of 3.3 MW. This is Vidullanka’s first step towards a related diversification.

The Dendro Power Plant annually contribute approximately 24 million kWh annually to light up 15,000 rural homes with using sustainable grown fuel wood, whilst preventing 16,500 Metric Tons of greenhouse gasses being emitted into the atmosphere.

Install capacity  3.3 MW
Location  Dehiattakandiya, Eastern Province
Fuel type  Gliricidia, Ipil Ipil, Coconut Husk
Configuration  One Steam Boiler and One Turbo Generator
Steam Parameter  46 bar(g) and 440 0C
Annual Generation  22 GWh